Category: Windows 2008

GPO Search Tool

My colleague Alex Verboon posted up a link to a great tool the other day for GPO. Take a look:

How do i: Rejoin computer to the same account?

Pet hate of mine is creation of new computer accounts (ahhh) for machines that have been reimaged, rejoining the same account is actually really simple! Open up AD Users & Computers Find your computer account Right click an hit “Reset” Join the computer to the domain with the old...

Hydraq IE 0 Day Exploit (Symantec)

What does Hydraq do? Hydraq is a targeted attack that installs itself on a user’s computer or an organization’s server. It then can be used to search an organization for private information. Hydra can capture and forward all information from an infected computer, including a live feed of windows...

Finding when a user last logged on

In this case ADSIEdit.msc is our friend (this is found on the Windows 2003 support pack or from the Administrative tools on your 2008 DC / in the RSAT pack on Windows Vista / 7. So open up adsiedit.msc Connect to your Domain Naming context, navigate to the users...

Windows 2008 Active Directory (New forest)

Hi, i am going to start a series of blog entries on setting up a Windows 2008 Based infrastructure, this may be helpful as a reference for System administrators with limited experience with Active Directory and other Windows 2008 Features to have a reference for setting up 2008 related...